Live updates
Train № 3624 Today, 16:45
Delay of ICF 3624 (Burgas 14:30 - Sofia 20:52)
Today, 15:50
Intercity Fast Train №3624 (Burgas 14:30 - Sofia 20:52) departed from Burgas station with 72 minutes delay due to awaiting for wagons.
Today, 14:36
Intercity Fast Train №3624 (Burgas 14:30 - Sofia 20:52) stays at Burgas station due to awaiting for wagons.
Live updates
Today, 19:08
Delay of IC-INT 493 (Sofia 17:50 - Svilengrad 00:43)
Today, 17:10
Delay of ICF 7623 (Vidin 12:30 - Sofia-Sever 17:34)
Today, 16:45
Delay of ICF 3624 (Burgas 14:30 - Sofia 20:52)