Live updates
Train № 493 Today, 00:19
Delay of IC-INT 493 (Sofia 17:50 - Svilengrad 00:43)
Yesterday, 21:17
Cross-country International Train №493 (Sofia 17:50 - Svilengrad 00:43) departed from Hristo Danovo station with 60 minutes delay due to malfunction of the locomotive.
Yesterday, 20:47
Cross-country International Train №493 (Sofia 17:50 - Svilengrad 00:43) stays at Hristo Danovo station due to malfunction of the locomotive.
Sofia (17:50) - Svilengrad (00:43)
Live updates
Today, 03:44
Stop of international fast train (INT) 492 (Svilengrad 03:56 - Sofia 11:00)
Today, 03:43
Delay of ICF 2626 (Varna 21:55 - Sofia 07:18)
Today, 03:42
Delay of ICF 2627 (Sofia 22:00 - Varna 06:50)