Re-validation of tickets
The passenger may cancel his trip not later than 3 hours prior to the departure of the train for which the ticket is valid, by presenting it for re-validation to the authorities at the railway station or at the issuing office where it was bought. The validation of an unused ticket or the re-validation for traveling on another train is effected by the relevant person in charge.
In railway ticket offices, the money for tickets validated by railway stations is returned on the following day at the latest, and if this is a holiday on the first working day after the holiday, within the opening hours of the office. After the expiry of these terms, compensation cannot be made.
Train tickets with beds may be returned against compensation 24 hours, at the latest, before the departure of the train for which they were issued. Sums of money for beds purchased on the day of departure of the train cannot be claimed.
There is a 10% reduction in the refund, rounded up to 0,10 levs. For the sum of money withheld the railway station or office must issue a document.
The passenger may re-validate his ticket only once in the following cases:
- If he appears at the railway office or at the railway station 3 hours, at the latest, before the departure of the train for which the ticket was issued. The re-validation is effected for the same train on the following day at the latest.
- If he misses the train for which he has a ticket and appears at the railway station up to 1 hour after its departure. The ticket is re-validated for the first of the following trains.
If the passenger re-validates his ticket for a train of a higher category or for a calendar train, he must pay for the difference in price, and when the re-validation is for a lower category, he has no claim for a refund. Clients with re-validated tickets who canceled their travel have no claim for a refund.
If the train is canceled, the passenger may re-validate his ticket for the first of the following trains of the same category or may return it for a refund. In this case, there is no 10% reduction in the refund.
Refund of sums of money for totally or partly unused tickets and passes
Claims must be made for refunds for totally or partly unused tickets and passes in cases different from those above. For the purpose, the passenger must lodge a written claim at BDZ-PP, Revenue and International Accounts Control Department (1 Zavodska Street), with the ticket or pass enclosed therein.
In the case of totally unused tickets and passes, that sum of money is refunded which corresponds to their prices, and in the case of partly unused tickets the sum of money for the unused part is refunded.
In the case of tickets issued for a two-way journey with a discount, when the return journey has not been made, for which the relevant certification has been made, the passenger will be refunded as follows:
- for a ticket issued for two-way travel with a 10% discount, half of the amount paid is refunded, less a 15% deduction from the entire ticket price;
- for tickets at relational prices and excursion tickets, half of the paid amount is returned, reduced by a 30% deduction from the entire price of the ticket;
- for tickets issued with a discount for two-way travel by high-speed train with a mandatory reservation, half of the amount paid will be refunded, less a 40% deduction from the full price of the ticket.
For completely unused tickets and subscription cards, the amount corresponding to their price with a 10% deduction is refunded, and for partially unused tickets, the amount for their unused part.
Claims for refunds for tickets and passes are received up to 6 months after the date of their issue. Claims for refunds for beds and couchettes are settled by the Revenue and International Accounts Control Department at BDZ PP (Sofia-1202, 1 Zavodska Street) in the same manner. Refunds are not made for:
- tickets for seat reservations;
- differences in the prices of tickets when the passenger has chosen to travel through a shorter route or on a train of a lower category, etc.