City Star BDZ-HELLENIC TRAIN - Ticket issued under this offer is valid for travel by trains №361 / 360 in the section from Bulgaria to Thessaloniki and back.
City Star BDZ-HELLENIC TRAIN - Ticket issued under this offer is also valid for travel by trains 1461/1460 in the section from Bulgaria to Thessaloniki and vice versa.
- Travel from a randomly selected Bulgarian railway station to a random station in a European country.
- Significant discount on a round trip. For small groups up to five passengers the discount can reach even 50%.
- The offer is valid for round trip - first or second class.
- Period of validity one month from the beginning of the trip, the start date is selected by the passenger.
- Interruptions in the travel are allowed within the tickets period of validity.
- The offer is valid for one person or for groups of up to five people.
- If there are children under the age of 12, the price for 2 children is equal to the price for 1 adult.